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- K N I G H T ' S Q U E S T
- Program and Text by Jon Mattson
- Welcome to Camelot!
- KNIGHT'S QUEST is a one- or two-player split-screen game which makes
- full use of the 128's 80-column screen, musical capabilities, extra memory
- and increased speed. Beyond that, defining KQ is difficult. It is a role-
- playing game (RPG), in so much as each player creates a knight character
- and uses this persona to explore a brave new world, but it is geared
- towards a shorter playing time than your average fantasy epic (3 to 5 hours
- or thereabouts). On the other hand, especially with two players, it is a
- sort of 'computer boardgame', with a loose competition arising to see who
- can complete his final Quest first and most bravely -- a sort of Arthurian
- Monopoly, with the stakes being honour and valour instead of money. KQ
- rises over either type of game, however, in that it uses artificial
- intelligence to build an infinite number of worlds to use for your 'game
- boards'.
- The rest of this article will concentrate on the game-oriented points
- of KQ -- how to interact with the system. Although you will find many hints
- and tips, you will not see any hard, fast information concerning the world
- itself. I might have trouble with that, even if I tried: some aspects of
- world building are in the 'hands' of YOUR computer. If you are a fan of
- Arthurian legend, you will recognize many familiar themes, although you
- will never meet Arthur or Lancelot herein (this is your unique world, after
- all).
- If not, don't worry about it. This is a game of exploration -- so start
- exploring!
- --------
- You can have many entertaining sessions of KQ just exploring the worlds
- your computer builds. Ultimately, however, you may want to pursue the 'end
- game' Quest. In the capital city (which you will have to find yourself)
- resides the High King of the continent, who oversees the four lesser Kings.
- He is growing old and seeks a champion -- the epitome of knightly conduct
- and valour. He who proves himself worthy of this honour will also claim the
- throne when the High King dies, for he has left no heir. To this end, the
- wizard, Morgan, has begun searching for likely candidates, and it is up to
- you to prove that YOU are the one he is looking for by gaining fame and
- prowess during your adventuring career.
- ----------
- When you first run the program, the title screen will give you three
- options (other than quitting): world building, game setup and game play.
- For your first session, this is also the logical order for you to make your
- choices: you cannot play the game until you have created at least one world
- and designed your character(s). So, your first session should go something
- like this:
- 1) Build a world: All you have to do here is pick the option and name
- the resulting world -- the computer does everything else. This procedure
- takes a few minutes, but the computer will keep you appraised of its
- progress. It will also allow you to take a quick tour to familiarize
- yourself with the land. Make sure that you have a disk with some empty
- space on it to save the creation.
- 2) Game Setup: This allows you to pick which world to explore, decide
- whether 1 or 2 people will be involved and make your character(s), using
- the procedure explained in the program. The computer also generates all
- non-player characters at this point and does a few other game-related
- tasks. Make sure that you have a disk with some empty space to save the
- results -- preferably the same disk which contains the world in question.
- You will have to give the saved game a name for reference purposes.
- 3) Game Play: Now that you have a world and one or more saved
- characters, you can actually play the game. In the future, when you want to
- continue a saved game, just pick this option.
- Some things to keep in mind during setup:
- 1) More than one saved game can use the same world, even
- simultaneously: data subject to change is retained with the 'saved game'
- file, not the 'world' files. Thus, if you get particularly fond of one
- world, you can keep using it indefinitely.
- 2) Three files will be created using the above procedure, two world
- files and the saved game: KQM.'world', KQC.'world' and KQS.'saved game'.
- When referring to each file, only use the actual 'world' or 'saved game'
- name, not the prefix. The computer will add the prefix as required.
- 3) It is a good idea to keep all three related files on the same disk.
- They will use up no more than 30 blocks, total, so many games can be saved
- on one disk, perhaps even with a copy of the program itself. Do NOT use
- your LS128 disk for this purposea
- 4) For simplicity's sake, I usually use the same name for the 'world'
- and the 'saved game' files, as long as the world isn't being used for more
- than one game. In any event, you will have to remember the 'save name' to
- re-access the game, but you will not have to remember the 'world' name,
- since it is retained in the 'saved game' file.
- ----------------
- KQ is played using the joysticks. Keyboard access is limited to only
- two generic commands (see below), since keyboard control does not allow
- simultaneous two-player action. The Port 1 joystick tends to scramble
- keyboard input, in any event. Player 1 uses the Port 2 joystick, since this
- is the easiest (= fastest) one for the program to access in the single
- player game. In the two player game, player 2 uses the Port 1 joystick.
- Virtually all game functions use a pop-up menu system: just move the
- joystick up or down to move the highlight bar and make your choice. Yes or
- No questions use a different system: tap the joystick in any direction to
- toggle between Yes and No. When numbers are requested, simply pull down to
- increase the number or push up to decrease it. In all cases, pressing the
- fire button makes your final choice. Similarly, virtually all text pauses
- can be shortened simply by tapping the button. This process very soon
- becomes second nature.
- During non-combat portions of the game, pressing the INST/DEL key will
- toggle the music on and off. Pressing RETURN will call up a simplified map
- of the continent, showing only the villages, castles and player locations,
- so that you can figure out where you are and where you are going. The map
- can be shown entirely west-east but only in quarters north-south, so the
- number keys let you view each section (1 is the very top, 4 is the very
- bottom). If you want a more exact, topographical map, just press the Up-
- Arrow key and the terrain will be displayed (this takes a few moments).
- This is mentioned on the map screen, so don't worry about remembering it
- for now.
- When the game begins, the main screen will appear. It is split into two
- areas, one for each player, with a central message box that applies to both
- players near the top. This latter box keeps you appraised of the time
- (hour, date and year), the location of any upcoming tournaments/festivals,
- and current events which apply to the world at large.
- Each player's screen section contains a map, showing his current
- location, and numerous other pieces of information:
- Terrain: A small picture and a verbal cue describe the terrain around you.
- If you are in a village or castle, its name will be noted. Some types of
- terrain are harder to traverse, requiring more than one 'joystick push': if
- you are exploring such an area, a 'Slow Travel' message will also appear.
- Injury & Fatigue: Adventuring is hard work. As you travel (especially in
- heavy armour) and perform other physically tiring tasks, you will grow
- fatigued, and your small heart-shaped 'endurance' symbol will gradually
- shift from green to yellow to red. At a state of virtual collapse it
- flashes dark cyan (a suitably deathly color). Combat and other dangerous
- events can have a similarly disturbing effect on your 'body' symbol, in the
- form of injuries. Running out of 'endurance' is a dangerous nuisance and
- can prevent further movement until you have rested; running out of 'body'
- is usually lethal...
- Steed: Assuming that you have a faithful destrier (you start with one),
- this heart-shaped symbol keeps you appraised of its combined 'endurance'
- and 'body'. Running your horse into the ground is a quick way to lose it --
- in which case, the symbol will disappear altogether. A horse is required if
- you plan to do any jousting; it also shares most of the fatigue loss from
- travel.
- Honour & Valour: These are the traits you are striving to improve to win
- the game. Honour starts off at an average level and can drop towards darker
- colours or rise towards lighter ones. Valour starts at the bottom and can
- only go up. If and when both symbols turn white, you can consider yourself
- a true champion and should go see Morgan at the capital city. Honour also
- affects how other people react to you: it is your reputation as a hero (or
- anti-hero...). Valour also affects combat: as you become more experienced,
- you will naturally become a more deadly adversary. There is actually a
- third, related trait which is not visible: your skill at the joust can
- increase through experience, making you a better jouster; however this has
- no other affect on the game.
- Equipment: This includes gold, magic potions and 'heavy metal': your
- weapon, armour and shield. At the beginning of the game, you have no
- potions and minimal gold; however, you are well-equipped with a broadsword,
- shield and platemail armour. You can carry only one shield at a time;
- however, you can stow away one of EACH type of armour and weapon -- if you
- find or buy others. Naturally, you can only wear one type of armour at a
- time and wield only one weapon, so these are the ones which appear on the
- screen. The Weapon, Armour and Sheath/Unsheath commands allow you to switch
- between different pieces of equipment if extras are carried (not a bad
- idea, since those in use can be damaged).
- Lady: At the beginning of the game, this area will be blank. Should you
- eventually find a lady to champion, her name will appear here. This is as
- good a time as any to add a related sidenote: Yes, this game is somewhat
- chauvinistic, because the genre it simulates is chauvinistic. Players are
- assumed to be male knights and are likely to end up saving distressed
- damsels. Adding female player characters would not only have complicated
- the already very complicated encounter programming but also would have been
- completely out of keeping with the genre. For those die-hard feminists out
- there, I can only offer this as an explanation and apology.
- At the beginning of the game, each player will start at his home
- castle, ready for adventure. To set off, simply push the joystick in the
- direction you wish to move. As long as at least one player does anything
- (whether it be moving or even just sleeping), time will slowly tick by. To
- perform other actions, press the fire button and a command menu will
- appear.
- This will allow you to rest, quaff magic potions, switch weapons/armour
- and so on. Three commands should be noted in particular, as their uses may
- not be obvious at first glance:
- Search: Some quests will have an obvious target; for example, if your King
- asks you to escort him to Carradyne, you can't very well miss the city when
- you arrive. On the other hand, finding a band of brigands in a dense forest
- near Wellscroft may require a lot more sleuthing. If you can't seem to find
- the target of your Quest, try Searching the area -- more than once, if
- necessary.
- Enter: This allows you to enter a village or castle and check out what it
- has to offer. This will call up another menu of shops and such, which may
- vary from town to town.
- Leave: This is used to quit and save the game. In the two-player version,
- both players must agree to quit.
- As you travel the countryside, you will encounter various non-player
- characters of many different species. Some will be hostile and a battle may
- result. Again, the menu system controls all of your character's actions and
- most choices are obvious. A few worth examining:
- Charge, Attack, Defend: All of these do the same thing: make a physical
- attack against your enemy using whatever weapon is in hand. However, a
- Charge concentrates on offense, increasing your chance of hitting and being
- hit, and a Defend concentrates on defense, decreasing your chance of
- hitting and being hit. You will have to learn when to use each strategy
- yourself.
- Sheath/Unsheath: Combat moves too quickly for you to switch weapons using
- one action. You must first Sheath your weapon in hand, then Unsheath your
- new one. Note that you cannot change your armour during combat at all (for
- obvious reasons).
- Not all encountered beings will attack you; in fact, many will wish to
- converse with you and/or aid you in your travels. This is really the heart
- of the game, since meeting such beings will be your best way of hearing
- news and learning of Quests to pursue.
- Quests are the key to winning the game. It is quite possible to gain
- honour by slaying monsters and even easier to gain valour in this manner --
- but that's the slowest (and least interesting) way. The better way is to
- pursue Quests as they arise, thus gaining whatever glory fate hands you
- along the way, PLUS the fame of completing a dangerous adventure at the end
- of the trip. Some encountered beings, as well as the tavern keeper, your
- Lady and the High King, can tell you of a Quest, and you must then decide
- whether or not to pursue it. Usually, you can have only one Quest at a
- time, so taking up a new one causes the loss of the old one (with a
- possible reduction in honour). Most Quests will require you to travel to
- some location and perform one or more deeds of bravery or compassion.
- Beyond that... Well, you'll see for yourself.
- --------
- When you encounter other knights (including the other player), a joust
- may result. To joust, you must have a horse, a shield and some sort of
- heavy armour (chain or plate). If you are missing any of these items, you
- will have to battle on foot or -- at a tournament -- hope that you can find
- a sponsor. Some jousts will be friendly; the Knights of the Quest (i.e. the
- players), in particular, are under vow not to seriously injure each others.
- In such cases, blunt lances, designed to break, are used and most damage
- caused will be to endurance only. Other jousts will be outrance -- that is,
- fought with sharpened weapons to do as much damage as possible.
- In either case, the procedure is the same. The screen will clear to
- show a side view of the knights charging at each other. Below this, the
- screen is split into two areas, one for each combatant, showing his foe's
- front view and his own list of defensive choices. As the knights charge
- together, you must pick an offense and a defense. Move your joystick up or
- down to pick your defense: the small shield beside the list will move in a
- corresponding manner to indicate your choice. Press fire and move the
- joystick in the appropriate direction to move the point of your lance
- around your opponent's picture and pick a target. Will you aim squarely at
- his shield, in hopes of unhorsing him, or try for a tricky helm hit, in
- hopes of knocking off his crest? Your choice will depend in part on what
- you are trying to accomplish: injure your foe or look impressive (it is
- possible to do both if you're good). But the choices must be made quickly,
- since the knights rush together in mere moments.
- As you jiggle your shield and lance around, you will notice a small
- square light appear beside your foe's picture. This is a purely artificial
- means for the program to tell you what your character would be able to feel
- on his own: how good or bad your offensive/defensive combination is, purely
- with regards to your own movements (not what your foe is doing). Obviously,
- aiming your lance to the far right while leaning to the far left is going
- to require some difficult contortions. If the light turns red, you are
- going about things the hard way; as it shifts closer to green or -- best of
- all -- light cyan, your combination becomes more logical. In game terms,
- this indicates whether you are looking at a bonus or penalty to your chance
- of hitting. Of course, some tricky shots are a good idea when you get more
- skilled and can afford the penalty: leaning far to the right, away from
- your foe, also makes it harder for him to hit you.
- A joust may require only one pass or several, depending on the results
- and the situation. In combat, a joust generally ends when someone hits the
- ground or is otherwise incapacitated. In a tournament, it may end when a
- crest is ripped off or three lances are broken, as long as the attacker
- does not, himself, get unhorsed. If both are unhorsed in a tournament, they
- must usually try again.
- Speaking of tournaments... To enter one, you must be present at the
- city sponsoring the event when the festival begins. Tournaments are a great
- way to earn honour and jousting skill quickly -- as long as you make a good
- showing -- so try not to miss them. When the tournament begins, you will be
- asked whether you wish to view all jousts or just those involving Knights
- of the Quest (i.e. the players). Viewing all jousts can be fun and gives
- you a chance to size up the opposition, but it also makes for a very long
- session (more than half an hour in extreme cases). Viewing only those
- involving the players isn't as visually interesting, but it does give you a
- quick text account of each match so that you know what is going on.
- Next, you will be given a perusal of the Lists -- all of the knights
- who have chosen to appear at the tournament. This also indicates each one's
- home city and gives a verbal cue as to his reputation. Once you have
- finished studying this, the actual tournament will begin. Each knight, in
- turn, will be asked to challenge one foe of his choice, and a normal joust
- (with blunt lances) will result. Each knight can be involved in up to 5
- jousts, or 7 at the High King's tournament, as long as he isn't disgraced
- or carried off the field, wounded beyond immediate recovery. When a round
- goes by where every knight has chosen or been forced to pass, the
- tournament is over, and winner is announced. Actually, all three top
- positions are worth having, and anyone who makes a good showing may earn
- some honour.
- Your strategy in tournament jousting will probably be different from
- that in real combat. Here, you wish to avoid injuring your foe severely,
- and tactics such as knocking off a foe's crest become much more meaningful.
- Of course, unhorsing your foe is still your best bet to gain glory. As a
- matter of interest, the rules for the joust are derived, in part, from John
- Piptoft's scoring system of 1466:
- 1) Knights shall ride against each other and break three lances or else
- unhorse an opponent or else strike an opponent's crest before the contest
- is concluded.
- 2) Unhorsing an opponent while retaining one's own seat is the highest
- point scored, with the contestant unhorsing the greatest number being
- declared the winner.
- 3) Otherwise, he who strikes the crest of the helm the most times while
- retaining his seat is declared the winner.
- 4) Otherwise, he who breaks the greatest number of lances is declared
- the winner.
- 5) Any knight striking the barrier or his opponent's saddle shall lose
- one lance from his total score.
- 6) Any knight doing unnecessary injury to a brother knight shall lose
- three lances from his total score.
- 7) Any knight striking his foe's horse is expelled from the Lists in
- dishonour.
- By the way, if this whole section has you completely baffled by now,
- don't worry. The jousting system is actually quite intuitive, and it will
- all make a lot more sense when you play the game. Don't expect to win any
- tournaments at the beginning, though: both you and your character are going
- to have to gain some experience before you have a chance at unhorsing the
- kingdom's Knights of Quality.
- -------------------------
- What, you say, that's it for the explanation?! Yes, I'm afraid so. I
- have barely skimmed the tip of the iceberg, but if I were to go into more
- detail, I could easily fill this disk side with the article alone. Besides,
- that would spoil all of your fun in finding out things for yourself. What I
- can do, though, is give you a few points to consider:
- 1) Wealth is not a big factor in this game; after all, you start with
- just about the best equipment available. But it has its advantages. As soon
- as you can afford it, purchase spare armour and weaponry -- unless, of
- course, you can appropriate it from a foe. There ARE ways to lose the gear
- you are actually using, so the wise knight keeps replacements on hand, even
- if they are of inferior quality.
- 2) Keep in mind that wearing heavy armour makes movement almost as
- tiring for you as for your steed. When you are in a hurry, you might wish
- to switch to leather armour (or none at all): your steed will still be
- weighed down, but at least you won't be. Of course, your armour isn't much
- use when it isn't worn, so you will have to decide whether speed or safety
- are your priorities at the moment.
- 3) The program keeps accurate track of time in every sense -- day,
- night and seasons. This will most certainly affect your ability to travel
- and function effectively, so keep that in mind. A quick jaunt in the summer
- can turn into a perilous journey during the dead of winter, when storms are
- frequent. Also remember that time is passing while you are in a city: the
- program will keep you appraised of this when it becomes relevant. In the
- two-player game, your character will sometimes go into "rest mode" when you
- did not choose the sleep option: this means that he is busy in some other
- manner and gives the other player a chance to catch up. Generally the
- reason will be obvious -- the most common is spending extensive time in a
- city.
- 4) You may have noticed one task during the world creation process
- which has not been mentioned here at all: Mapping Faerie. Sounds
- intriguing, doesn't it? I'll let you find out yourself what this is all
- about; suffice to say that the computer creates not one world but two...
- 5) The key to winning the game, when all is said and done, is to act
- the part of a true knight. Leap into battle indiscriminately, loot
- innocents and stir up trouble for the kingdom, and you will soon earn a
- richly deserved reward at the hands of an avenging 'brother' knight. Slay
- only your direst foes, perform compassionate deeds and wreath your name in
- honour, and you will have the High King's gratitude -- perhaps even his
- throne.
- \\\\\ R - Run RETURN - Menu \\\\\